Bologna International Children's Book Fair

La settimana scorsa sono stata alla Fiera internzaionale del libro per bambini e ragazzi di Bologna ed è stato bellissimo. 
Ho creato una piccola storia su Steller, date un'occhiata.
Grazie a Kalandraka Italia per l'invito.

Last week I've visited the Bologna International Children's Book Fair and it was so gorgeous to be there.
I have created a little story of my trip on Steller, do have a look.
Thanks to Kalandraka Italia for inviting me.

PATHS #4. Right Action.


Azione integrale, anche detta RETTA AZIONE. Un fondamento etico della vita basto sul principio di non spfruttamento di se stessi e degli altri.

Integral Action, also called RIGHT ACTION An ethical foundation for life based on the principle of non-exploitation of oneself and others.

"Il quarto passo del sentiero, la giusta disciplina, implica un certo tipo di rinuncia. Dobbiamo abbandonare la nostra tendenza a complicare le cose e praticare la semplicità. Lasciamo perdere tutto ciò che non è necessario nella nostra vita e nelle nostre relazioni"

"The fourth point on the path, right discipline, involves a kind of renunciation. We need to give up our tendency to complicate issues. We practice simplicity. We have a simple straight-forward relationship with our dinner, our job, our house and our family. We give up all the unnecessary and frivolous complications that we usually try to cloud our relationships with."



Portuguese artist Daniel Moreira is featured in today's Art on Etsy. Daniel was born in Switzerland, and now he lives and works in Porto. Early in my Etsy adventure I came across his work, and immediately loved it for its dreamy, delicate and imaginative quality, which is confirmed by Daniel's words 

"I’m a quiet boy, easily distracted and disconnected from what’s around me. I’m a dreamer and like to create my own stories."

And here's another characteristic of Daniel's work, the power of creating a story you want to know more about, written with an elegant choice of colors.


When I finished my degree in architecture in 2000, I started a multidisciplinary path between architecture and fine arts.


The list is really extensive I’m just going to share some of the names with which I really identify myself with: Michael Borremans, Steffi Lindner, Susanne Themlitz, Fernanda Gomes, Lucia Nogueira, Silvia Bachli, Julião Sarmento, Daniel Blaufuks, Paulo Nozolino and Robert Franck.


My work is made by hand, almost always quick drawings with an expressive line and sober colours.

I think my work is very personal and reflects my personality, that’s why I create these introspective and mysterious characters.

When I hold my pencil and a white paper I never know what I’m going to draw, the characters emerge naturally as all the natural and geometric elements that many times are associated with those characters.

I don’t think in what I’m going to do or in what I’m doing… I’m guided by the movement of my hand.

Artwork by Daniel Moreira.


I work in my home studio. My workspace is very simple, organized and with a lot of natural light, although I work a lot at night. I like to keep everything in boxes and to keep on top of my desk only the necessary. Although I try to have my desk as clean as possible I’m surrounded by books, cameras, antiques that I collect and artwork from other artists and my own obviously.


For a long time I worked only for me, it was a need until the moment when I thought that for my work to grow it had to be shown. I had to know how people would react to it.

A friend told me about Etsy, and I think it’s a great place for selling and to share my work with as many people from around the world.


“less is more”


Because it makes us feel good!

Artworks by Daniel Moreira.

Find more of Daniel Moreira's dreamy art and purchase his creations here



Do you also think this way of displaying art is so cool? Well, I do, and it's not difficult at all, you just need to arreange your frames (different and mismatched but minimal) on the both sides of an imaginary vertical line. And apparent chaos is done.

Pensate anche voi che questo modo di disporre i quadri sia fantastico? Beh, a me piace e non è affatto difficile da fare, basta appendere le cornici (diverse e spaiate ma sempre minimali) da entrambi i lati di una linea verticale immaginaria. E il caos apparente è fatto. 



Tips for your walls

In my terrace.

Ecco come sono le mie piante ora. 
Non c'è quasi stato l'inverno, solo acqua per mesi.
E sembrano così felici ora che il sole ha deciso di fare capolino.

This is what my plants look like. 
We almost haven't had winter here, but water and water pouring for months.
And they seem to be so happy now the sun has decided to peep back.

Lettura consigliata: 
Suggested read: 

My latest work

Per il mio ultimo lavoro mi sono arrampicata sui tetti di Firenze. Indovinate in quale quartiere?  Per ora non posso dire di più, se non che mi sono divertita molto e ho potuto godere di un vero panorama mozzafiato, da una posizione privilegiata sulla città. Non vedo l'ora di mostrarvi il resto!

For my latest work, I've been walking in the roofs of Florence. Can you guess in which part of the city? I can't tell you more so far, but I really had fun and could enjoy a wonderful view. Can't wait to tell you more!



 è dedicato il post di 


 di oggi. Questo sito nato in Inghilterra è dedicato completamente all'arte: mostra opere d'arte, presenta artisti, ha un blog per eventi ed mostre e credo che si venda le opere sotto contatto. Il loro motto è "Il nostro lavoro è quello di rendere l'arte disponibile e accessibile a tutti (o almeno a più persone possibile!).


is today's


feature. This UK born website is completely dedicated to art. It showcases artworks, has a directory of artists, blogs about events and exhibitions and I guess you can contact them for buying art. Their motto is "Our business is all about making art available & accessible to everyone (or as many people as possible!)". 

read more


ART COLLECTION # 12. You Art Me.

Pensate che i markeplaces siano poche realtà grandi, possibilmente anglosassoni come

Etsy Saatchi Art e che si contano sulle dita di una mano? Mi dispiace dirvi che vi sbagliate. Perché queste realtà nascono numerose ovunque e oggi vi porto a fare acquisti per la vostra ART COLLECTION in un sito nato in Polonia. " YouArtMe è un progetto che prende origine da un'urgente necessità... portare il lavoro dei nostri artisti e designers preferiti nella nostra vita quotidiana".  YouArtMe offre, oltre ad altri articoli di moda e design, opere originali con pezzi anche molto costosi, fino a quasi 4000 euro, e riproduzioni artistiche (tele incorniciate e posters) a prezzi decisamente abbordabili. 

Do you think markeplaces are just a few big ones like Etsy or Saatchi Art? Sorry to say you are wrong. Many of these new ways to market art are being born all over the world, and today I'll show you a place where you can buy art for your ART COLLECTION which was born in Poland. YouArtMe is a project that originated from an urgent need. Being lovers of modern art, we have always wanted to bring the works of art created by our favourite artists closer to our everyday life." YouArtMe showcases original art with expensive pieces (up to almost 400 euros), and reproductions (framed canvas and posters) at very affordable prices. 

PATHS #3. Right Speech.


Retto discorso, anche chiamato RETTA PAROLA. Comunicazione chiara, vera, e non violenta.

Perfected or Whole Speech, also called RIGHT SPEECH.Clear, truthful, uplifting and non-harmful communication.

"Il terzo aspetto del sentiero è la giusta parola. Una volta che le nostre intenzioni sono pure, non dobbiamo più essere imbarazzati riguardo alla nostra parola. Dato che non cerchiamo di manipolare le persone, non dobbiamo essere esitanti riguardo a ciò che diciamo, e non dobbiamo mascherare il nostro pensiero in una conversazione. Diciamo quello che deve essere detto in un modo semplice e genuino."

"The third aspect of the path is right speech. Once our intentions are pure, we no longer have to be embarrassed about our speech. Since we aren't trying to manipulate people, we don't have to be hesitant about what we say, nor do we need to try bluff our way through a conversation with any sort of phoney confidence. We say what needs to be said, very simply in a genuine way."



I instantly fell in love with Elisabeth Mayville's girls and women, all seen from the back. We don't see their faces and can only imagine how they are, how they feel, and this contains a little, intriguing mistery. 

Elisabeth was born and raised in Michigan. In 2006 she earned her BFA and has been working at being an artist and illustrator ever since (tough she only went full-time two years ago). She currently works out of her home studio while her 1-year-old son sleeps in his bedroom next door. 

Elisabeth Mayville's self portrait.


Like most people I started drawing as a child and it just sort of grew from there. I loved art all through school and ended up majoring in Fine Art in college. That sort of cemented the direction of my life and career. 


I love Fairfield Porter, Richard Diebenkorn and David Park. I’m always finding new painters to admire, both those will probably be my main three for the rest of my life.


Oh boy. I’m not great at self-promotion, but I’ll give it a whirl. I like my paintings because they calm me down. In addition I find them very special because they’re a visual record of the things that I have seen, whether it be a landscape or a grapefruit.


I work pretty exclusively in my studio in my house. It works for now, but if I picture my ideal working situation it would be in a building that is just my studio, not also my home. It would be surrounded by woods on three sides and on the fourth, south side there would be a lot of windows and a quiet lake.


I had a few paintings leftover from a holiday art fair so I thought I’d see if I could sell them on Etsy. I priced them too low (a chronic problem of mine), and they sold quickly. It was great and it motivated me to start my career as a professional artist.  


“Don’t be lazy!” I need a little kick now and then.


I buy art because it enriches my life. Plus I spend so much time at home that I really need to be surrounded by beautiful things that somehow remain interesting and unknowable over time.

Elisabeth Mayville's Paintings

Find more of Elisabeth Mayville's beautiful art and purchase her creations here


On the Mantlepiece

Spring has (almost) sprung but we still need a warm fireplace for cold evenings. And the fireplace shelf or the wall above it, is a great, classical place to lay your frames and display your art. Do have a look at my Pinterest board to see more lovely ways of making your home beautiful with art. And get inspired.

La primavera è (quasi) arrivata ma abbiamo ancora bisogno di un caldo fuoco per le serate fresche. E la mensola, o il muro sopra al camino è un classico spazio adatto ad ospitare opere d'arte. Una tela classica, alcune opere moderne, una collezione di piatti dipinti a mano o quello che preferite. Date un'occhiata alla board di Pinterest per vedere alcuni esempi di come rendere la vostra casa ancora più bella con l'arte.



Tips for your walls

Spring coming...

Sento davvero la primavera arrivare, e la sentono anche le mie piante sul terrazzo. 

E' tempo di respirare e far crescere nuove idee. 

Ho bisogno di tornare ai miei colori, carte e pennelli, e

cco cosa mi piace!

I really feel spring coming, and so do my plants on the terrace. It's time to breath and grow ideas. 

Need to go back to my colors, papers and brushes. 

This is what I love.

Grazie ad Elexandra Korey di 


 per queste belle foto.

Thanks to Alexandra Korey of

Art Trav

for the beautiful pictures.


Se questa settimana avete un budget di 1000 dollari da spendere in arte, allora dovreste dare un'occhiata a 


, il posto perfetto per scoprire arte fantastica e affordable e vedere dove acquistarla per un totale di 1000 dollari a settimana (e

ci sono anche io

!). Puoi semplicemente dare un'occhiata per la dose di ispirazione quotidiana ma anche cercare per fascia di prezzo, in base al tuo budget. Questo bel lavoro è portato avanti da Norah, e devo dire che amo i suoi suggerimenti!

If this week you had a $1000 budget to spend on art, then you should definetly have a look at


, the perfect place for discovering super cool, affordable art and find out where to buy it for $1000 worth a week (so proud to say

I've been featured

there, too). You can simply have a look around for inspiration or even browse by price, according to your budget. This great job is carried on by Norah, and all I can say is that I love her hints!

read more



Il mese scorso abbiamo cominciato a cercare su internet per cercare buoni posti per comprare arte online, e abbiamo cominciato con Saatchi Online. Oggi ho scelto Etsy, che è il marketplace scelto da molti artisti talentuosi per vendere la loro arte (e potete leggere le interviste di Art on Etsy per conoscerne alcuni) e dove io stessa ho creato il mio primo negozio. Etsy è un enorme markeplace e offre quasi tutto, ma ha una sezione speciale dedicata all'arte dove si può cercare per categorie come ritratti, dipinti, acquerelli, disegni, illustrazione, stampe, opere astratte, fotografia e perfino ritratti di animali. L'offerta è impressionante, e ci potreste mettere un po' a trovare quello che preferite, ma non scoraggiatevi! Si possono trovare sia originali che riproduzioni e i prezzi variano dai 10 ai 400 dollari.

Last month we started surfing the internet in order to find good markeplaces to buy art, and began with Saatchi Online. Today I chose Etsy, which is  the marketplace many talented artists choose to sell their art online (and you can read my Art on Etsy interviews to get to know some) and where I created my first shopEtsy is a huge marketplace and offers almost everything, but has a special section dedicated to art, where you can browse for categories like custom portraits, paintings, watercolor paintings, drawings, illustration, abstract painting, prints, photography and even custom pet portraits. The offer is impressive, and you might take some time finding what you like most, but don't get discouraged! You can find both originals and reproductions, and the prices range from 10 to 400 dollars.


So glad to resume the Digital Portraits with an interview to a greatly talented artist and very dear friend, Paddy Campbell. Paddy is an Irish businessman that achieved beginning a new carreer as a sculptor, here in Florence, where he has exhibited in some of the most beautiful places like Palazzo Medici Riccardi and Fiesole. But let's hear Paddy's own words about how he changed his life following his deep passion for art and sculpture.

"Even as a child in Ireland I loved to draw and paint, and art was by for my best subject at school. I chose a career in business, but when I was about 50 years old I returned to art, and came to Florence to study painting. After a few years, I tried sculpture, which I realised was my natural gift, and from the year 2000 I spent three years full time studying figurative sculpture technique in Florence, where I soon found a studio. Since then I have worked and lived mainly in Florence, making sculptures large and small, first in wax and then having them finished in bronze or marble. To my pleasant surprise, they are exhibited and collected in many parts of the world, mainly in Ireland and Italy."

If Paddy is surprised, we are not, because his works have the special power to express a strong love for life and a vibrant, thankful passion. I love the energy of his athletes and I'm captured by the way Paddy can portray women, at every stage, moment, mood in their lives.


Passione. Passion.

I chose to sculpt people because I was always fascinated by the human form, and also by the story behind each face, each gesture, each emotion. 

My passion comes from the Irish tradition of storytelling. I use form instead of words. Sculpture in place of poetry.


I use technology to improve my images (eg. Photography), but I work mainly which my hands.

Mondo nuovo. New world.

Financial crisis are never permanent (nor are boom-times). Art survives in a crisis, but rarely thrives.

Mantra. Mantra.

“Art should stir the heart” (far vibrare il cuore)

Progetti. Projects.

Next exhibition will be at Slieve Donard, Co.Down, Northern Ireland, in January and February 2014.

Paddy Campbell's exhibition in Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, summer 2013.


Estetica. Aesthetics

Beauty is what stimulates an emotional response, be this happiness, sadness, delight, even passion. Creative art enables us to indulge any one (or more than one) of our senses intelligently.

Arteterapia. Art therapy.

Art is sensual therapy

Sinestesia. Synesthesia.

I create sculptural scenarios which can embrace form, colour, sound-effects, lighting, and emotions. They become a 3-dimensional theatre which turn the viewer to voyeur.

Colore. Colour.

All colours excite my- eyes – even colours I dislike.

Fari. Lighthouses.

Artworks that I love include paintings by Van Gog and Egon Schiele, sculptures by Bernini and Ron Muech and poetry by Seamus Heaney.

I am greatly inspired by Bernini’s “Daphne and Apollo”.


Paddy Campbell 

Via Luna 24 a

50121 Firenze