E' tempo di ricominciare.
Un nuovo anno, nuovi progetti, propositi e idee.
Molte iniziative bollono in pentola,
e mi auguro che potranno realizzarsi durante l'anno.
Nel frattempo, tanti auguri a tutti!
It's time for a fresh start.
A new year, new projects, resolutions and ideas.
Many events are under construction,
and I wish everything will take place in the new year.
In the meanwhile, I wish all a very Happy New Year!
Nel frattempo, tanti auguri a tutti!
It's time for a fresh start.
A new year, new projects, resolutions and ideas.
Many events are under construction,
and I wish everything will take place in the new year.
In the meanwhile, I wish all a very Happy New Year!
Botanica. Acquerello e inchiostro su carta. 2012. Botanica. Watercolour painting on paper. 2012. |